Crossville Communications - Linking Voices, Data, and People.....

Per-Call Blocking

Per-Call Blocking - Block your number from being displayed to others.

How much? $1.50 per month. $1.00 per month with two or more features.

How it works:
By dialing a code before you place a call, you can prevent your phone number from appearing on the Caller ID display of the person receiving your call.

How to use:

1.  Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone.   

2.    Press *67. (On a rotary phone, dial 1167.)

3.  Dial the number you’re calling as usual.   

4.  The person you’ve called will not be able to see your number displayed on their telephone display screen. Instead, a “P” or “Private” will be displayed.   


+ You must dial *67 before each call you place. Otherwise, your phone number will be released to the person receiving your call.

+ If you have requested Per-Line Blocking from Crossville Communications, you do not need to dial a code to block your number each time. Your number will always appear as “Private.” To override Per-Line Blocking (allowing your number to be displayed) on an individual call, dial *67 before placing the call.

click here to order Per-Call Blocking - Be sure to include the words Per-Call Blocking in your email.