Crossville Communications - Linking Voices, Data, and People.....
Telephone Services - Calling Features
Call Forward - Remote Access
Call Forward Remote Access - From any location, turn on, turn off, or change your forwarding number.
How much? $1.50 per month. $1.00 per month with two or more features.
How it works:
You can use a touch-tone telephone at another location to change your Call Forward on your home or business phone.
To access your telephone’s Call Forward service remotely:
1. Lift the handset of any touch-tone phone and listen for the dial tone.
2. Dial the Call Forward access number provided by Crossville Communications.
3. After the line rings, listen for the special dial tone.
4. Dial your seven-digit home or business telephone number that has Call Forward.
5. Dial your Personal Identification Number (PIN).
6. Listen for the special dial tone. You are now ready to change your Call Forward.
Proceed with one of the three Call Forward functions:
Call Forward, Call Forward Busy, Call Forward No Answer.
Please click here to order Call Forward - Remote Access - Be sure to include the words Call Forward - Remote Access in your email.